I think the college football championship system is going to improve now that the BCS is a thing of the past. A fan of the Boise State Broncos is surely tired of the idea of doing very well in the regular season and never really be considered for the national championship. I can just imagine seeing Broncos fans having their hearts broken every year by the fact that their team never gets a shot at the big enchilada.
I can’t really speak about my team being cost the national championship because of the BCS. I can speak about having my heart broken by the fact that the Iowa Hawkeyes were not given a bid to the NCAA Tournament in college basketball. The team was somewhat deserving of making the tournament in 1998, but they fell short because of the selection committee. The Boise State Broncos or the Fresno State Bulldogs surely feel the same way about their college football chances. I think major college sports can be a bit of a release for someone that is having a hard time in their life. I would love to see the Iowa Hawkeyes win a college football championship.

I would guess that the staff members that are involved with the recruiting process do not necessarily promise national championships when they are talking about the University of Iowa, but I know the football program does mention how many ex-players ended up making it to the NFL. It makes sense to hire the right staff members if you are trying to win a college football championship. The staff members have to be able to develop a plan in order to make sure that the entire football roster can buy into. Hayden Frye’s teams that won the Rose Bowl believed in that entire team concept.
I think teams will realize that they now have more of a chance to win a championship. Teams may put more pressure on their teams in order to win right away because of the increased odds of winning a title. We are all aware of how much money is spent within the world of college football. We have seen coaches like Bear Bryant win a number of college football championships. Bear Bryant would make sure that people show a certain amount of dedication, that was how we began to see Bear Bryant build up his legendary status. Bear Bryant had a number of assistants that went on to be successful college head coaches in the future.